Month: October 2016

Hover Cars!

Hover cars are the next big thing. They were the vehicles of the future. However, as with every advancement with technology, there were some problems in the beginning. The hover cars kept failing and many kinks kept being found in parts of the car. This is shown by the high failure rates starting the downward trend happening on the scatter plot above during the beginning of the products hover_car_rolls_royce_phantom_by_dannypcarlyontime being sold.

After a while, and much trial and error, the hover cars started being fixed. There were not so many problems present anymore due to improved craftsmanship of the hover cars. This is shown by the steady low failure rate going straight across the bottom end of the scatter plot. Then, the creators wanted to make improvements to the hover cars which skyrocketed the failure rates again toward the latter end of the years shown on the scatter plot.


I weigh 117 lbs. I am 5 feet and 4 inches tall. I am very bendy and flexible. I am strong enough to be the person my family calls for help when they need to move something that is heavy. My name is Bethany, and I have become horribly out of shape.

When I was younger, I could carry my big sister who is 4 years older than I am. I could do center splits and one handed cartwheels. I could climb the fireman pole at the park and spin all of the big kids on the merry go round at the park all on my own. I remember the kids being highly impressed with my strength. This is no longer the case when it comes to me.

As I grew older, moved from state to state, house to house, and my body became bigger, I started losing space in which to practice my flexibility and strength skills. I became lax with honing and maintaining my physical prowess. Now, I can no longer do a hand-st2108057658_5bc55f5cf0_zand nor can I do a one-handed cartwheel with either of my hands (it has been limited to my right hand only). I now struggle to carry my younger brother and I can’t do my side split anymore (it has now changed to a front split). The muscle mass in my arms is now nonexistent and the natural six-pack of abs I
have now has a tiny layer of fluff (read flab) on top of it (you can only see it when I laugh now). With the realization of this depressing state of affairs, I am now aiming to rectify everything.

I have many motivations for wanting to get back into shape. The most recent, pressing, and important motivator is my goal of joining Air Force ROTC in college. In order to do this, a PFA (Physical Fitness Assessment) is taken into account for eligibility of receiving a ROTC scholarship. At the moment, my PFA does not make me as a strong contender as my academic grades do. I wish to make myself strong competition for the scholarship and eventually be granted one. Another of my motivators is my love of tumbling. I enjoy doing splits, cartwheels, and bends. I want to get better at those things, regain the skills that I lost, and expand my repertoire.
In summary, my goals are to one more become physically powerful. I want to be able to do more than one pull-up or push-up and do a split again. I want… no I need to get an ROTC scholarship. I will put in the work to meet these goals and make my hopes a reality.

Physical Wellness

Physical wellness is the maintenance and up-keep of the body. Physical wellness is keeping your health and the condition of your body in the state of its peak performance. This area of wellness is highly important to each individual, groups of people , and the human race as a whole.

There are many aspects of physical wellness that need to be addressed. The branches of this wellness include alcohol, nutrition, sickness prevention, sexual health, stress management, and more. All of these extensions of this wellness have their own criteria that need to be met in order to obtain physical wellness. Due to the body being so complex, it only makes sense that the wellness in accordance to it is complex as well.

Now, maintaining all of these extensions may seem a daunting task. However, maintaining health and doing things that are good for your body on a regular basis keep the body in its best condition. Eating healthy, exercising, having a strong enough will to refuse alcohol, and not exceeding a healthy stress level among other actions go a long way in reaching physical wellness. It’s not the tasks in which the struggles originate from, it’s the routine.

Creating a routine, and sticking with it, is hard for many people to do. I know this from personal experience. I can confess to not having obtained much in the area of physical wellness. I do not exercise as I should and I do not eat as healthily as prescribed. I have trouble sleeping so I do not get much sleep and I frequently exceed healthy amounts of stress. In addition, my immune system has always been susceptible to illnesses which means that my sickness prevention is not where it should be. The solution to all of these problems are things that can be done with enough effort and motivation. It’s not hard to figure out what to do either because most of these extensions of physical wellness have solutions that are tied to common sense. However, it is a personal struggle for me to abide by routines. I lack the motivation to reach physical wellness.

This lack of motivation is a pitfall that many other people often find themselves stuck in or stumbling on. Due to this decrease in effort, there is not much in the area of physical wellness in the United States. This leads to physical wellness being so important because our life spans are based on our bodies; keeping our bodies at their top performances allows us to lead better and longer lives.

This is why I have recently been working on my physical wellness. I have been exercising more and trying to lower my stress levels (which isn’t really working because of the stress that seniors in high school have to deal with). I am also trying to figure out ways to get more sleep as well as eat better. Physical wellness is so important, and I am working on applying all of this area of wellness to my life as well as encouraging others to do the same.

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